Luminaire 01 / Outdoor lamp

santa celitane
santa celitane

Inspired by the movement of nature, an outdoor lamp is designed to be moved by wind and can’t be overthrown.

It’s an idea about nature interaction with the product in a playful and also functional way. To provide movement of the lamp, it’s made of a plastic ball with a calculated weight in it and a neon light tube that doesn’t heat up and therefore it can be moved also by the user. But to emphasize the idea about the playfulness of light, the lamp is made in bright color.

santa celitane
santa celitane


The main goal and the biggest challenge was to create a movable lamp without any engineering details for its movement. Laws of physics were tested on small modules and the final prototype was made from a plastic ball with precisely calculated weight in it.

santa celitane
santa celitane
santa celitane

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